Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

AKR, Fuelling ahead, CLSA

AKR reported a strong FY11 result, with in line with CL estimates and 5% ahead of consensus. Revenue grew 82% and profit 142% YoY driven by a 50% increase in fuel volumes. The company remains well positioned in a growing industrial fuel consumption market and presents a unique option on retail fuel deregulation. Re-iterate BUY with Rp5,000/sh target price, implying 27% upside.

Saham Pilihan Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

AKRA : Walau tren masih turun, namun stochastic mulai bergerak rebound mengindikasikan potensi kenaikan.

Support    : S1  3.975    S2  3.850
Resisten   : R1  4.150    R2  4.300

Rekomendasi : Trading Buy