Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

BNI, Expanding capacity, CLSA

Thanks to an improvement in asset quality and strong recovery from its
written-off assets, BBNI managed to record strong net profit growth of
42% YoY in FY11. Coupled with the better asset quality trend, we expect
the bank to record higher pre-impairment profit (PPOP) this year on the
back of lower cost of funds and stronger fee based income. The bank
continues to expand aggressively in the consumer segment where it is
taking market share and building up capacity. Maintain outperform.

Saham Pilihan Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

ANTM : Stochastic mulai rebound, begitu juga dengan histogram dan MACD membuka peluang terjadinya penguatan.

Support    : S1  1.850    S2  1.800
Resisten   : R1  1.920    R2  1.940

Rekomendasi : Buy